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Breastfeeding Information
Didn’t make it to the 2020 Indiana State Breastfeeding Conference?
Click below to see the keynote presentations.
Dr. Ruth Petersen, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Nikia Sankofa, Executive Director, U.S. Breastfeeding Committee
Kimarie Bugg, Founder, Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere (ROSE)
Kiddada Green, Founding Executive Director of Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association
Every person’s journey to parenthood is different. However, the first decision you will likely make is how to feed your child. The Indiana State Department of Health Maternal Child Health division provides information for families about the health benefits of breastfeeding, for babies, moms, families, and communities. Here, you’ll find facts about breastfeeding and get practical tips on how to make breastfeeding work for you while getting the support you need.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that breastfeeding is one of the most effective preventive measures a mother can take to protect the health of her infant and herself. The Indiana State Department of Health Maternal and Child Health Division strives to promote and protect human milk consumption as the optimal first nutrition for all Indiana babies. With a goal to improve breastfeeding rates throughout the state of Indiana, MCH supports and works with many organizations and coalitions throughout the state. This collective work allows Indiana to align all breastfeeding goals to improve the public’s health through improved breastfeeding.
Indiana State Breastfeeding Plan 2016 - 2021
As part of Indiana’s effort to reduce infant mortality, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) plans to expand its work to increase breastfeeding rates across the state. While Indiana’s breastfeeding rates have increased in recent years, they still lag behind national averages and a majority of mothers in Indiana do not breastfeed for the length of time recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and other leading medical bodies. To address these challenges, ISDH has developed the Indiana State Breastfeeding Plan, a roadmap for statewide programming that links current initiatives, mobilizes key public health, hospital, and community stakeholders, and identifies feasible high-leverage changes to improve breastfeeding rates across the state of Indiana.
By focusing on these opportunities and implementing the Indiana-centric strategies detailed in this plan, ISDH can achieve transformative improvement in breastfeeding. Throughout these efforts, ISDH will strive to maintain a special focus on meeting the needs of underserved populations and providing culturally appropriate solutions; build on successful current and past initiatives; develop strategic short, medium and long-term plans to maximize impact; and take on a more visible leadership role in coordinating and driving breastfeeding improvement efforts throughout the state
Information coming soon
ISDH has begun to evaluate the current state breastfeeding plan and update objectives to build from the success of the last 5 year plan. Through this process, we will engage local leaders to guide the conversation and determine needs of Indiana communities for breastfeeding. For more information, please contact
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