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Archaeology Education
DHPA's Archaeology Section coordinates and supports several educational programs and outreach initiatives focusing on archaeology for both the public and professionals. Several examples are included below:
Indiana Archaeology Month - Public education about Indiana’s diversity of past cultures and heritage, and the science of archaeology, is the focus for the month of September. Each year, free information and commemorative posters are available.
Publications - The archaeology staff produces a number of archaeological education materials, including pamphlets and handouts, Indiana’s professional periodic archaeology journal (Indiana Archaeology), reading lists, information on the Indiana archaeology law, and more.
Stewardship and Training - Our staff provides training sessions for land management and law enforcement personnel, and stewardship courses for the interested public and avocational archaeologists for learning about the state’s archaeological heritage. If your organization would like more information on stewardship training, contact the DHPA via email or at 317-232-1646.
Presentations - Our archaeology staff frequently gives presentations to the public -- from school age classrooms to senior citizen groups. The archaeology staff is pleased to give presentations on archaeological topics such as: prehistoric ceramics, historic archaeological artifacts, prehistoric and historic peoples and lifeways, archaeological methods and techniques, and more. We can also provide displays for use regarding archaeology in our state. Contact the DHPA via email or at 317-232-1646 to have our office schedule an archaeologist to talk to your group.
Share? - Want to share what you know about archaeological site locations and artifacts with our professionals? Contact the DHPA Archaeological Section at 317-232-1646. The more we know about sites, the more we are able to protect them!