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Conferences and Workshops

Cemetery Workshop

Preserving Historic Places: Indiana's Statewide Preservation Conference

DHPA partners with Indiana University and Indiana Landmarks to host this annual statewide conference which serves as the official forum for preservation issues in Indiana.  Session topics are chosen based on the host community. Speakers include both nationally known and local experts. The conference features plenary and concurrent sessions, keynote speakers, and tours of the host community’s preservation highlights.
Certified continuing education credits are available for these professions:

  • Architects, sponsored and certified by the Indiana AIA
  • Librarians, Library Education Units (LEUs
  • Planners, CEUs
  • Realtors, certified by the Indiana Real Estate Commission, Indiana Professional Licensing Agency

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this event has been postponed.  Keep checking back for a future date.
In lieu of the in-person conference, PHP will be hosting virtual classes.  Check out the schedule of classes at the Indiana Landmarks website.

Indiana Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology  IU Department of History     Indiana Landmarks

Section 106/ Environmental Review Training

These sessions are focused on the "need to know" information for completing environmental reviews in Indiana. Do you want to learn what information to provide to get your review through the process quickly? How do you determine if a property is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places? Did you know Indiana has an online database that you can access from anywhere to do your research? The Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology regularly hosts or co-hosts educational workshops, seminars and conferences. These help people who are involved or interested in preservation, or just want to learn, keep up-to-date with the latest findings, hot topics, state processes and forms, databases, and office programs.

The training is free and open to anyone who has an interest or role in the review process. Advanced registration is required.