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Check Project Status
Pursuant to Section 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, 36 CFR 800, the National Environmental Protection Act, and Indiana Code 14-21-1; the DHPA reviews, comments, and consults on numerous state and federal projects involving historic and archaeological resources.
You can view current projects and submissions received by the DHPA in the past 30 days by using the search query below. You may choose specific criteria to search, such as county or location, or you may view the entire list by selecting no criteria and simply clicking SEARCH.
If you are interested in viewing a certain type of review request, such as submissions received for Dual Review under LSA #12-453, you may enter the words “Dual Review” in the Project Description search field, and click SEARCH to show the most recent submissions, if any, that fit that criteria.
If you are an agency or consultant checking the status of a recent submittal to DHPA, please know that this information is updated on a weekly basis, so it may take 5-7 days for your project to appear in search results. The most current information on the status of a project may be obtained by contacting the applicant agency or the DHPA, as appropriate.