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Inclusion on this roster does not constitute endorsement by the Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology or the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, neither does this roster guarantee that an individual has the specific project experience needed to meet the requirements for DHPA grant work. Furthermore, this roster is not comprehensive. Other people may meet the Standards and/or be equally qualified for a particular job, position or project.
The Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology (DHPA) can assist you in locating qualified professionals for cultural resource services, including surveys, evaluations, National Register nominations, data recovery, preservation planning, archaeology, and much more. Consultants who meet the appropriate Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards and who have expressed an interest in performing work in Indiana are included on the DHPA’s Qualified Professionals Roster. The roster is updated monthly. The roster includes:
- Archaeological Consultants who, in the opinion of the DHPA based on submitted documentation, meet the qualification standards to be Principal Investigators. These individuals either meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards and/or the qualification standards in Indiana Code 14-21-1 and 312 IAC 21-3-4 (b) for archaeology.
- Historians and Architectural Historians who have expressed an interest in undertaking contract history and architectural history research in Indiana and who, in the opinion of the DHPA based on submitted resumes, meet the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for history and/or architectural history.
- Architects and Historic Architects who have expressed an interest in undertaking contract architectural and historic architectural design projects in Indiana and who, in the opinion of the DHPA based on submitted resumes, meet the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for architecture and/or historic architecture.
Persons on this roster meet minimum federal standards for professionals in the field of historic preservation and archaeology. We recommend that samples of work be reviewed, references be checked, and multiple bids be obtained before finalizing a contract with any cultural resource consultant.