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DHPA History
The Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology promotes the conservation of Indiana's cultural resources through public education efforts, financial incentives including several grant and tax credit programs, and the administration of state and federally mandated legislation.
The Division facilitates state and federal preservation programs and is the staff of the State Historic Preservation Officer.
The chief services of the Division are:
- The statewide survey of historic buildings, districts, and landscapes. The DHPA is the repository of National Register nominations and other materials related to the statewide survey.
- Environmental Review of state and federal actions affecting historic and archaeological properties and resources.
- Administers programs for protecting and preserving Indiana's prehistoric and historic archaeological sites and the valuable information that they contain.
- Technical assistance to owners in the restoration of historic properties, including those owners seeking state and federal rehabilitation income tax credits.
- Grant assistance for historic preservation projects.
- Technical assistance to local preservation commissions, including administration of the Certified Local Government (CLG) program.
- Historic preservation and archaeology education, including sponsorship of Archaeology Month, Historic Preservation Month, the Underground Railroad Initiative, Historic Theater Initiative, and other ongoing educational programs.
- The Indiana State Historic Architectural and Archaeological Research Database (SHAARD) of the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA) allows users to search information on known historic resources throughout Indiana. The data contained in SHAARD was collected from previously conducted cultural resource inventories, National and State Registers listings, research projects, and cultural resource management project reports.
We do not accept historic buildings or structures as part of any donation program.
We do accept monetary donations to help to support thegoals and services of preservation.
Archaeology Preservation Trust Fund
Artifacts, burial objects, or human remains are items of archaeological significance still buried in Indiana soil. Often, homeowners stumble upon them when making improvements to their property. The Archeology Preservation Trust Fund was created to help preserve these archaeological finds.
After discovery of an item, the law requires that work be stopped to comply with DHPA-approved plans to excavate or secure the site from more disturbance. Sometimes, the work takes time and involves costs to the homeowner. Donations to the Archeology Preservation Trust Fund helps owners to carry out those plans and ensure that discoveries are properly secured.
Make your donation today by completing form 54367 and sending a check or money order to:
Archeology Preservation Trust Fund
Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology
402 West Washington Street, Room W274
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2739
For more information, email the division or call (317) 232-1646