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Archaeology Professionals

Becoming a Qualified Professional in Indiana

Archaeologists who wish to work in Indiana or conduct records checks must meet certain qualifications. See our website on Qualified Professionals (QP) for more information on becoming a QP in Indiana. Questions regarding these qualifications, should be directed to the DHPA at 317-232-1646 or SHAARDAdmin@dnr.IN.gov.

When asked to undertake an archaeological project, please make sure that you have documentation that authorizes that work. If the project is being conducted under Section 106, the client or lead federal agency should be able to provide you with a copy of documentation that the work is being required. If the project is being conducted on state property, you must have documentation that an approved plan (under Indiana Code [IC] 14-21-1) for the work has been issued. In addition, if the activity is to be conducted on private property, and isn’t conducted under Section 106, an approved plan under IC 14-21-1 is also required if any level of work beyond surface survey will be conducted. Always make sure that landowner permission has been obtained, and that curation issues have been addressed as well. It is also best if you carry the documentation requiring the investigation with you in the field in case you are questioned by law enforcement officials. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our office at 317-232-1646.

Conducting a Research

Once you have been listed on our qualified professional list, you may contact our office about getting access to our online database, SHAARD and the corresponding GIS map. There is an annual fee associated with database and map access. Cost is $1000 for first user account at firm or university; $500 for each additional account. Account cannot be shared and the account user is responsible for assuring that the log-in information is not shared.

Those individuals not wanting to pay this fee may conduct research at the DHPA for a $70/hour fee.  o schedule an appointment, contact the DHPA at 317-234-1268 or DHPA@dnr.IN.gov. Records check appointments for qualified individuals are currently available Monday through Friday, 9 am - 4 pm, at the discretion and availability of staff. 

Recording archaeological sites in our state:

  • The DHPA distributes the archaeological site numbers in Indiana. Once a professional archaeologist has discovered a site(s), call our office 317-234-5254 to request archaeological site number. 
  • Each recording of, survey of, or re-survey of an archaeological site needs to be recorded in SHAARD, electronically.
  • Completing a cemetery registry survey form - For archaeologists who discover or investigate a cemetery in Indiana, a reminder that we encourage you to fill out the Cemetery Registry survey form and submit it to our office in addition to the archaeological site form. Contact the Cemetery and Burial Ground Registry coordinator for more information on this at 317-234-1268 or jrdinius@dnr.IN.gov.

Conducting Archaeological Fieldwork

Archaeological Short Form

Archaeological Short Form
Instructions for the Archaeological Short Form

In an effort to reduce time and paper, the DHPA has developed an Archaeological Short Report format. This format may be used for archaeological records checks and Phase 1a Reconnaissance regardless of acreage, provided that no previously recorded sites are present and that no new sites are found. 

When an archaeological site, which includes isolated finds, is encountered, a full written report following guidance provided in the Current Guidebook for Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory—Archaeological Sites and the Indiana Cultural Resources Manual will need to be submitted. For projects being conducted under IC 14-21-1, be aware of the requirements of 312 IAC 21-3-8 (d) regarding an abbreviated project completion report and 312 IAC 21-3-8 (e) regarding an archaeological records check or literature search.

Although strongly encouraged, the use of the Archaeological Short Report format is not mandatory and if you choose to complete a full written report, you may do so. The short report should be submitted the same way one would submit an archaeological records check or Phase 1a Reconnaissance report.

If you chose to use the Archaeological Short Report format, please note that all of the fields must be filled in and that handwritten forms will not be accepted. Incomplete or inaccurate forms will be returned to the submitter without comment. Additionally, upon review, the form may also be returned to the submitter with the request that a full written report be provided.

Staying informed in the field