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Indiana Archaeology Month
September is Archaeology Month in Indiana and the DNR Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology (DHPA) coordinates this event.
Archaeology Month provides an opportunity to celebrate and learn about Indiana archaeology. A variety of events are held each year during Archaeology Month by universities, museums, organizations and individuals throughout Indiana. These events may include archaeological laboratory open houses, artifact identifications, lectures on archaeological topics, archaeological excavations, and stewardship and avocational certification sessions.
Archaeology Month allows Hoosiers to learn more about the discipline of archaeology, the archaeological sites in our state, and the laws which protect these sites. A goal of this month is to increase public awareness and to minimize the myths and misconceptions commonly associated with the discipline. Join the fun!
Archaeology Month allows Hoosiers to learn more about the discipline of archaeology, the archaeological sites in our state, and the laws which protect these sites. A goal of this month is to increase public awareness and to minimize the myths and misconceptions commonly associated with the discipline. Join the fun!
Celebrate archaeology and learn about Indiana's cultural heritage!
Information for Event Hosts
The Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology will produce and distribute a press release regarding Indiana Archaeology Month. Other avenues of publicity utilized by the DHPA include: our archaeology e-newsletter, e-mail, the DHPA and DNR Facebook pages, and Eavesdropping - DHPA's e-newsletter.
The DHPA Calendar of Event webpage will post the complete calendar of events taking place around the state. Event hosts may refer the public to this page for information about the Month.
Event hosts are encouraged to cultivate as much local publicity for their events as possible. We suggest contacting local papers, radio stations, etc. for possible advertising options.
The DHPA has many educational materials available free of charge. If event hosts wish to have any of these items to help with publicity, or to hand out during the event, feel free to download as many as you like. Postage costs will be charged if physical copies are needed. Payment must be received prior to mailing any items.
If possible, we request that after Archaeology Month, event hosts provide the Division with summary information regarding their events. Information such as attendance numbers, comments regarding activities, suggestions for future events, etc. is very helpful for the Division staff to learn about and improve upon the continuing successes of Indiana Archaeology Month and public archaeology outreach.