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SHAARD Database

State Historic Architectural and Archaeological Research Database and Structures Map (SHAARD)

Access SHAARD here.

The Indiana State Historic Architectural and Archaeological Research Database (SHAARD) of the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA) allows users to search information on known historic resources throughout Indiana. The data contained in SHAARD was collected from previously conducted cultural resource inventories, National and State Registers listings, research projects, and cultural resource management project reports.

SHAARD includes data from the IHSSI (County Survey Program), the Indiana Cemetery and Burial Ground Registry, historic bridges, properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places, properties listed in the Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures, and historic theaters in Indiana. Access to archaeological site locations and information is restricted.

The quality of the data varies with the completeness and precision of the original records and may be out-of-date. In addition, there are over 250,000 paper records from past surveys located in the office. Not all data is yet inputted into SHAARD. More information is being entered daily. Absence of data does not necessarily indicate the absence of resources.

The majority of properties included in SHAARD is privately owned and are not open to the public. Please respect property owners’ privacy.

Users are encouraged to notify the DHPA about additions or corrections that may be necessary at SHAARDAdmin@dnr.IN.gov. New sites will be added to the database as they are received. Users are also encouraged to notify the DHPA at SHAARDAdmin@dnr.IN.gov of difficulties in accessing data or other issues encountered in using the database.

There is also a GIS component to SHAARD, where users can search the database using the mapping program.

SHAARD was made possible with financial support from the Federal Highway Administration, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and the Historic Preservation Fund of the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.