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Past DHPA Involvement: Southeast Region

Southeast RegionAbbreviations Used:

  • NHL - National Historic Landmark
  • HI - Hometown Indiana
  • HPF - Historic Preservation Fund
  • HTI - Historic Theater Initiative
  • NRHP - National Register of Historic Places 
  • SR - Indiana State Register
  • TC - Rehabilitation Tax Credits
  • UGRR - Underground Railroad Initiative
  • WRHC - Wabash River Heritage Corridor


Jesse Hunt House (NRHP, HI)
1818 former hotel/restaurant. It is considered the first three story brick building in Indiana. The grant paid for general stabilization, foundation work, masonry work, wood window repair, storefront windows/doors/transom, and tinwork.

Jesse Hunt House (NRHP, HI)
Hunt House - Before

Jesse Hunt House (NRHP, HI) - After
Hunt House - After


Eleutherian College (NHL, HPF, UGRR)
This three-story building constructed of Indiana limestone between 1854 and 1856 is the only surviving building of Eleutherian College, one of the first desegregated and coeducational facilities in the nation. Initially known as Eleutherian Institute, the school only taught secondary classes but in 1854, with the construction of this chapel and classroom building, the name changed to Eleutherian College and, thus, the school began offering college-level courses. This was the first institution in the state of Indiana to offer advanced educational opportunities to African Americans as well as offering an education equal to those of whites. The grant paid for roof and belltower rehabilitation. This work is just beginning.

Eleutherian College (NHL, HPF, UGRR) - Before
Damaged Ceiling

Eleutherian College (NHL, HPF, UGRR) - After
Eleutherian - Exterior

Georgetown (part of Madison NHL, UGRR)
African-American neighborhood in Madison that was a free-black settlement. Remarkably intact historic neighborhood and active in the UGRR Initiative.



Former AME Church (NRHP, HPF)
C.1905 African-American church. The grant was used by Historic Madison Inc. to purchase the former church. HMI intends to use the building as an African-American museum/center to interpret Georgetown/UGRR activity in area.

Former church today
Former church today

Artist's historic representation
Artist's historic representation


Damm Theater (HTI)
Vacant vaudeville/movie theater that has recently been turned over to a non-profit organization from the Damm family. Both the family and the organization have been working with the HTI.

Damm Theater - Exterior
Damm Theater - Exterior

Marquee at night
Marque at night

Rising Sun

Clore Plow Works-J.W. Whitlock and Company (NRHP, HPF)
C.1900 industrial complex that manufactured agricultural implements. The grant covered masonry rehabilitation. It is now the Ohio County Historical Society Museum.

Clore Plow Works-J.W. Whitlock and Company (NRHP, HPF) - Before

Clore Plow Works-J.W. Whitlock and Company (NRHP, HPF) - After


Musee de Venoge (NRHP, HPF)
C.1815 French-Swiss farmhouse. The grant paid for exterior rehabilitation, roof repairs, and floor repairs. It is under-going a phased rehabilitation.

Musee de Venoge - Exterior
Musee de Venoge - Exterior

Detail of exterior
Detail of exterior