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Grant Opportunities
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS Title V Funding - Due March 31, 2021 @ 6:00 PM EST
The Indiana Department of Health Division of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) is accepting proposals for Title V Funding.
To learn more about the Title V Funding Opportunity, please view the webinar recording below:
Title V Funding Proposal FAQs - Updated 2/22/2021
Coroner grant opportunity for the SUID/SDY Case Registry
The SUID (Sudden Unexpected Infant Death)/SDY (Sudden Death in the Young) Case Registry Grant offers funds to coroners to participate in the project. From 2018-2023 Indiana will receive an average of $135,000 per year to promote safe sleep education, improve death investigations, and better monitor the prevalence and causes of sudden death in our state from ages 0-18. The project entails taking biospecimens at autopsy for possible research, genetic testing, DNA banking at the family’s consent, participating on the local Child Fatality Review team and notifying the Indiana Department of Health of these sudden deaths. The funds can be used toward autopsy supplies, X-rays, and various other items that help ensure a comprehensive investigation. If you are interested in participating or learning more, please email Olyvia Hoff at
Public Health Performance Management
Barclay-Giel Seed Grants - Information can be found here.
Trauma System/Injury Prevention Program Grants
Naloxone Rescue Kit Grant (First Responders)
Naloxone Rescue Kit Grant (Local Health Department)