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Lead & Healthy Homes Division
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Nearly half a million children living in the United States have elevated blood lead levels that may cause significant damage to their health.” Using data from national surveys conducted in 2007-2008 and 2009-2010, this estimate is based on children with a blood lead level of 5 micrograms per deciliter or higher. Major sources of lead exposure to U.S. children include lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust in deteriorating residential buildings. These can be homes that children live in or regularly visit, like a childcare center. Children can also be exposed to lead from additional sources, including contaminated drinking water, take-home exposure from a parent or guardian’s workplace, and lead in soil.
The Lead and Healthy Homes Division (LHHD) works to reduce the incidence of childhood lead poisoning in Indiana. This is being accomplished through screening for lead poisoned children, treatment of children who are lead poisoned, follow-up case management, and the remediation of the environmental causes of the disease. Establishment of the Lead-based Paint Program provides professionals specialized in the complete removal of lead paint from residences. The LHHD works to educate the public about the risks of lead poisoning and effective prevention techniques.
The LHHD also helps to educate on other Healthy Homes issues such as radon and asbestos. Since we spend so much time at home, it is important that our home is a safe environment to eat, play, and raise our families. The 8 Principles of a Healthy Home is used to address concerns about the link between health issues and housing. The principles focus on creating a home environment without pests, contaminants, allergens, and injury hazards that can lead to health problems. After removing these things, regular maintenance is needed to keep those hazards away and keep residents healthy.
*NEW* - Important New Required Lead Case Management Guidelines – Effective 10/26/2020 –
Effective October 26, 2020 the new Childhood Blood Lead Level Care and Action Case Management Guidelines, will be replacing the Lead Screening Requirements and Medical Management Recommendations, often referred to as “the Rainbow Chart”, as the guidelines to follow for providing lead case management.
- The NEW Childhood Blood Lead Level Care and Action Case Management Guidelines, which can also be referred to as the new “Rainbow Chart”, represent a set of best practices and medically based recommendations based on state statute and national recommendations for case managers and public health nurses working with children exposed to lead.
- Case managers and public health nurses may begin using the guidelines immediately but a complete transition to the new Care and Action Case Management Guidelines must be in place beginning on October 26, 2020.
- The NEW Childhood Blood Lead Level Care and Action Case Management Guidelines can be found here.
NEDSS Base System (NBS) Lead Case Management Module
The NEDSS Base System (NBS) is an electronic disease reporting and case management platform supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and has been utilized throughout Indiana by the Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Tuberculosis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Viral Hepatitis programs since January 2019.
On February 3, 2020, the NEDSS Base System (NBS) Lead Case Management Module, the newly developed online case management, reporting and surveillance system for lead case management activities, will become the required avenue for receiving and documenting lead case management activities.
All information and updates regarding the new system, including general information, training and resources, can be found on this page, as well as on the ISDH NEDSS BASE System (NBS) Resource Page . Please check back often for additional updates and information.
Important NBS Lead Case Management Module Updates:
*NEW* - Important information: Changes in the process for LHD and ISDH responses to "Notification" for lead cases in NBS can be found here. (* See also "When Do I Submit a "Notification?" - Single Page Reference Document below)
- "When Do I Submit a "Notification"? - Single Page Reference Document
- For assistance with the general use of NBS:
- Indiana NBS User Guide
- NBS Quick Guide FAQ's
- NBS Glossary of Terms
Note: The materials listed above were developed using the procedures and instructions that are appropriate and unique for the use of NBS with general communicable diseases. Some of the procedures and instructions will differ from those that you are directed to follow for the use of NBS for lead case management, but you will find that most of the information will still be helpful in learning to navigate NBS. Guidelines specific to the use of the Lead Case Management Module should be followed.
Training Materials
- For assistance with the use of the Lead Case Management Module:
- Local Health Department NBS Lead Case Management Training Webinar Video
- Webinar Powerpoint
- Indiana NBS Lead Case Management Module User Guide ** UPDATED August 13, 2020 **
For Questions Contact:
- Program Content and NBS Module Related Questions – Teresa Kirby –
- NBS Module and Training Related Questions – Sue Henry –
- Technical Problems – NBS Helpdesk –
Prenatal Resources:
Copies of the following resources may be ordered from the Lead and Healthy Homes Division following the same procedures that are used when ordering other resources from the “Publications” section of the webpage.
- Prenatal Risk Evaluation Questions for Lead Exposure (English)
- Prenatal Risk Evaluation Questions for Lead Exposure (Spanish)
- Lead and Pregnancy Infographic (English)
- Lead and Pregnancy Infographic (Spanish)
Lead Recalls
To see recent product recalls related to lead, visit the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission website :
Lead Protection Program Homeowners/Renters Application
The Lead Protection Program is a partnership between the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) that offers homeowners/renters opportunities for FREE services to help test and eliminate lead-based paint hazards from their home. Homeowners/renters in a variety of locations around the state are eligible. Those locations include residents living in the cities of East Chicago, Gary, Hammond, Michigan City, South Bend, Fort Wayne, Muncie, and Evansville as well as all of Marion County. More information about the program and the application can be found here and here.