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The webcasts are hosted the second Friday of each month from 9:30-10:30 a.m. by the Local Health Department Outreach Division and the State Health Commissioner. LHDs have the opportunity to receive updates regarding current public health issues on both state and national levels as well as share local health department best practices. Contact LHDinfo@isdh.in.gov for more information. All previously aired webcasts are archived on the ISDH Video Center. All previous agendas are archived on the LHDResource SharePoint Website.
The Webcast Schedule for 2021 is as follows:
Cancelled until further notice.
Local Health Maintenance Fund Grant (LHMF)
Indiana Code - IC 16-46-10
Indiana Local Health Department Trust Account (ILHDTA)
Indiana Code - IC 4-12-7
Applications and Forms
Local Health Maintenance Fund applications and forms can be accessed by visiting here.
Indiana Local Health Department Trust Account applications and forms can be accessed by visiting here.
Local Public Health Leadership Symposiums
Cancelled until further notice.
Public Health Nurse Conference
Cancelled until further notice.
Public Health Nurse/Environmental Health Specialist Orientation
The dates for the PHN/EHS Orientation are Tuesday, December 7 - Thursday, December 9, 2021. This event will take place at the Indiana State Department of Health, 2 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, in Rice Auditorium.
Public Health Leadership Symposiums
These symposiums are held in the fall and spring of each year. Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits are offered to all Health Officers who attend. The purpose of the semi-annual meetings are to provide on-going training and opportunities for the local health department staff to meet and network with their colleagues and peers.
Public Health Nurse Conference
Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) credits are offered to all Public Health Nurses who attend.
Public Health Nurse/Environmental Health Specialist Orientation
This orientation is held annually near the end of the year in collaboration with the Environmental Health Division at the Indiana State Department of Health. The purpose of the meeting is to provide on-going training for nurses and environmentalists. The event also provides opportunities to meet and network with colleagues and peers. To receive further information, email LHDinfo@isdh.in.gov.
To be added to a Listserv or to ask about getting something distributed to a Listserv listed below, please contact LHDinfo@isdh.in.gov.
Current Listservs include:
- Local Health Department Administrators
- Local Health Department Health Officers
- Local Boards of Health Representatives
- Public Health Nurses
- Health Educators
For additional information about the Local Health Department Outreach Division, contact LHDinfo@isdh.in.gov.