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The following are Indiana Codes that govern Local Health Departments (IC 16-20).
IC 16-20-1 Powers and Duties of Local Health Departments
Defines the powers and duties of Local Health Departments which apply to all local health officers and local health boards.
IC 16-20-2 Local Boards of Health
Defines the composition of a Board of Health, including membership selection, appointment, term of office and removal.
IC 16-20-3 Multiple County Health Departments
Defines the conditions should county executives of at least two (2) adjacent counties decide to establish and maintain a multiple county health department.
IC 16-20-4 City Health Departments in Second Class Cities
Defines the formation, establishment, jurisdiction and authority of a city health department.
IC 16-20-5 Area Boards of Health
Defines the authority of area boards of health including jurisdiction, membership, term of office, meetings and officers.
IC 16-20-6 Acceptance of Gifts for County or City Health Department Buildings
Defines the authority to accept gifts to erect and equip buildings, the form of the gifts and the construction and equipment of buildings.
IC 16-20-7 Assistance by Cities and Counties to Public Health Nursing Associations
Defines the authority of how a city or county may appropriate money out of the general fund of the city or county to assist incorporated public health nursing associations.
IC 16-20-8 Food Service Inspections
Defines the checklist and narrative report regarding food service establishment inspections.
IC 16-20-9 Penalties
Defines that a person who recklessly violates or fails to comply with this article commits a Class B misdemeanor.